Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog Brands

Have you thought about blog brands? What? What do I need to brand my blog for? Who are you? What is your blog about? What exactly do you want people to know?
When it comes to blog brands, one of the important decisions you’ll need to make is deciding whether you are going to self-brand, meaning branding your name, or will you brand your blog?
Let’s look at self-branding:
If you self-brand, you’ll be able to use your name for future projects. People will instantly recognize your name and it may translate trust to the new project.
Sounds great, right?
Slow down bunky, here’s where you may run into a problem.
What if you’re considered a travel expert and people associate your name with travel? You decide you’re going to venture into dog training…let’s be honest, are you going to trust a travel expert with your dog training needs, or are you going to look for a dog expert?
- self branding is a great choice if you’ll be involved in multiple projects of the same nature
- self branding may not be the best choice if you’ll be covering multiple niches
Another option you may be interested in is branding your actually site. Take for instance my blog here at I’m much more interested in branding my concept and blog…helping beginner bloggers advance their blogs so they can start earning money.
I’m not interested in tying my name to one project. If I wanted everyone to know me by name, they might be surprised when they read some of my other topics I write about. I’m a versatile person, and I don’t want to be tied down to one idea, so in this case, it makes more sense to promote and brand my blog than my name.
Hey, this blog brands thing is starting to make sense!
Some people get big enough to transcend that and people not only know their name on site, but also the sites attached to them. Let’s look at some of those big names -
John Chow, Darren Rowse, ShoeMoney, Aaron Wall…and the list goes on.
If you’re just starting out, now is the time to figure out if you want to brand your name, or your site. This way as you grow, you’ll know whether to do things like using pen names for article marketing, if you’d like to have multiple projects in one subject, or if you think you’d like to write on multiple topics.
I know many people start out thinking, I only need ONE site or one blog, but then later feel like they’d like more variety and start a second, third or even fourth site.
Having a plan is the best way to decide which will work best for you. You should not only figure out what you’ll be doing this week, but know what you’ll want to be doing next year. Treat your blogging plans like business plans, and you’ll find greater success.


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