Interested in Niche Marketing? When you make a blog, niche blogging is a great place to start. Perhaps you’ve heard of niche marketing and may even understand what it is. But, you’re not quite sure of the advantages of niche marketing and how it can work for you. Let’s look at what niche marketing is for those who don’t quite understand it. Through the explanation I’ll be able to better show you the advantages of niche marketing.
Niche marketing is the opposite of mass marketing. Most of us know that mass marketing is marketing to the largest amount of people in all situations and lifestyles and from all backgrounds. Niche marketing is the opposite of that because your focus is on a much smaller group of people who are interested, need and who actually want your product.
Now, you’re probably asking, “Why would I want to focus on a smaller group of people when I’ve learned that the more people who see my product the better my chances of making a sale?” I understand your thinking, so in the next couple of paragraphs I’m going to help you understand why this marketing tactic works and the advantages of niche marketing over mass marketing.
Want Not Waste Not
Niche marketing works because you’re focusing all your effort reaching those people who have the money to buy your product or service, who are interested in what you have to sell and who need your products or services.
Why waste time, money and efforts on people who are not interested and most likely never will be in what you have to say and offer? Remember, it’s about working the least amount of time and making the most amount of money.
Saves Time
When you advertise to people who have no interest in what you have to offer, you’re throwing money down the drain. Not only are you wasting money, but your precious time. Remember, time is money in business. So even if you spend nothing on advertising you do spend time getting the word out. You’ll spend less time and money in your marketing efforts when you niche down.
Make More Money
Finally, there’s the added benefit of making more sales to people who actually want what you have to offer. So, not only will you be saving money on marketing campaigns, your chances of making a sell increases dramatically.
Soon, you’ll be selling so many of your products, you’ll have to consider increasing your staff and may even want to narrow your niche down further so that you can enjoy living life instead of working so hard all the time.
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