How to Use Niche Marketing Articles to Boost Your Business
All types of article marketing take effort, time and know how. The main purpose of any marketing is to eventually lead your readers into wanting to know more about you, your business or to purchase your product or service. Because niche marketing is directed to such a defined market, you need to know how to write your articles so they are the most effective use of your resources. Here are some tips to help you do just that.
Tip 1: Determine Your Intent
You must first determine what it is you want your article to accomplish. By this I don’t mean make sales because ultimately everyone who uses article marketing wants this. Instead think of the action you want your readers to take immediately after they finish reading the article.
Here are a few examples to get your juices flowing:
• Interaction with You – Do you want your readers to comment on the article, give you feedback, etc.?
• Lead Readers to Your Website for More Information – Do you want your readers to visit your website to learn more?
• Get Yourself Noticed – Do you want to develop trust with your readers?
Tip 2: Decide on a Topic
This may be the hardest part of the article writing process. You want to determine exactly what it is you need to write about. In order to come up with a topic that your target market will want to know more about, you’ll need to know your market first. Do your research. Visit some forums, message boards, social networking sites to determine what it is your potential customer or client needs from you.
Tip 3: Grab Your Reader’s Attention – QUICK!
You want your customers to find your article on the Internet. This means your articles need to be keyword searchable by the search engines. Using certain keywords throughout your article so that it’s picked up by the search engines when your potential customers type that keyword into their search engine.
Important Tip Regarding Keywords: Don’t overdo your keyword placement. It’s best to have the keywords in the title of the article as well as strewn about naturally in the body. Remember - “naturally.” If you stuff your article with unnecessary keywords over and over it can actually do more harm than good.
When people are searching for information on the web they scan articles before they ever even begin to read the details. Here is an example of how to catch their attention with your article titles. Once you do this, keeping them reading will come easier.
Your niche is indoor plant automatic watering systems. Your target market is plant owners going on vacation. The first thing your reader will see is the title of your article so make it one that will grab their attention and tell them what your article is about.
Here’s an example:
Here’s an example:
“Rest Easy While You’re on Vacation and Let [Name of Product] Water your Plants.”
As you can see, using key words like “rest easy” and “water your plants” catches their eye because chances are they’ll be worried about their plants getting watered and not dying while they’re gone.
As you can see, using key words like “rest easy” and “water your plants” catches their eye because chances are they’ll be worried about their plants getting watered and not dying while they’re gone.
Another catchy title: “Save Money! Let [Name of Product] Water Your Plants While You’re on Vacation.”
“Saving money” is always an eye catcher and “watering your plants” peaks the interest of your potential customer.
Tip 4: Stay Focused
After you’ve captured your audience’s attention with a killer title, now comes the hard part. You have to keep their interest by providing them with quality information they can use. This is accomplished by defining a clear focus for your article and sticking with it. Here are a few things to avoid when writing an article for your market.
• Veering off into something unrelated to the topic of your article.
• Get too wordy.
• Filling the article with information that’s simply being restated in a different way.
• Get too wordy.
• Filling the article with information that’s simply being restated in a different way.
Keeping your article short enough to hold a reader’s interest but informative enough to develop trust and a want to know more is the ultimate goal of any article for article marketing purposes. State your case, show them your knowledge on the subject and invite them to know more.
Using articles to assist in your niche marketing efforts is a great way to reach your specific audience, give them information they need, develop relationships and increase your profit online. Keep the tips above in mind with each and every article you write and you’ll put yourself ahead of the curve.
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